Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Synthetic Oil Myth?

I've read a couple of articles saying that Synthetic Oil is better for oil change than the regular ones. Synthetic Oild definitely has lower viscosity than the mineral oil and therefore ditsributes heat within the engine better and helps maintains a cool temperature. The myth is that when you start using synthetic oil you have better gas mileage and car performance. With my experience it wasn't.

I switched to synthetic oil 6 months ago and been monitoring it on a regular basis. While I was still using mineral oil my gas mileage was between 17 to 18.9 mpg. Just yesterday my car had 20.13 mpg. So my car was more gas efficient. I had an extra 1.23 mpg and since my car can contain 23 gal (full tank)  I gained an extra 28.29 miles. I'm not sure why it took 6 months to finally get value out of this wonderful oil. Maybe my car was still in the process of adjusting to the new oil. But it worked for me. My car is an Infinit FX 35 V6 2004.
I'm gonna continue using Synthetic Oil till my car finally give up the ghost.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pulled Over by A Cop Just Two Hours Ago

I drove to my friend's place in Lawrenceville this evening to get my 4BG USB Stick and meet his kid and his lovely wife. Then went to eat at Bonefish close to their house and drove back home. Finally headed out to I-85S and just when I passed exit 113 I decided to hit 80MPH on a 70MPH speed limit so I can make some phone calls and schedule a visit for some church members this week. Within a minute, I saw this flashing lights behind me and I knew I will be getting a ticket. Dang.

The officer walked on the passenger side and ask me "Guess how fast you were driving?". I said 80. He responded, "At least you were honest". Which I knew I was driving that fast. He later followed it with "Do you have to do something that's why you are driving that fast?". I said yes, I needed to make some phone calls to schedule a visit to some of our church members just to see how they're doing and understand if they need anything. He took my license and registration. Waited for 5 minutes. Then he came up and was holding only my driver's license and registration. Urged me to renew my license since it will be expiring before this end of May. My verdict - "Verbal Warning". Whew.... That was comforting! In this recession, Insurance companies will always find a way to charge you more on your premium once they see a hole in your driving record. I'm glad I didn't get the ticket!

The cop told me to take my time and bid me goodnight. He did look intimidating at first just like that Mercury Guy from one of the Terminator Movie Series but was kind enough to let me go for free.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

LDS Community Service Project

Yesterday was just one of those community service projects that our church got involved into. Our church annualy participates in community service projects that involves helping schools put up their picnic tables, pain them and plant and prune trees. Others will go to somebody's home and help them paint their house or any organization or family or individual who needs help. We all bring our own tools to do the work. I invited my nephew Alex and explained to him that we will be planting, putting pine straws and barks at the River Trail Middle School in Johns Creek, GA. We had fun working. We started at 9AM and finished around 11AM.

My nephew learned how to use the shovel and proper procedure in planting when the soil is full of clay. I was so happy to see him participate at this kind of activities. I hope he did understand the value of true service. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing people smile and sincerely express their thank you for a community service.

Our church globally, at the same day, reach out to those in need at least twice a year. We are better known as the Mormons. But the real name of our church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

LA Fitness Scam?

I'd go straight to the point. LA Fitness requires you to pay around $250 or more for one time membership fee then charges you around $30 on a monthly rate. My situation 2 years ago was that I need to move to a new house and I won't be able to use my membership because of some stuff I need to take care of and I requested if they can hold on to my memberhsip and not charge me monthly because I wont be at their facility for a month or two. They didn't like it. To cut the story short, I closed my account and they removed my membership. Just last March I joined LA Fitness again because it was the closest place for me to exercise. But I have to pay again the one time membership of almost the same value!

Are they corrupting the meaning of one time membership fee? Once you are a member of that fitness club you will always be a member right? And all you have to do is pay the monthly charges. As some other places do. They charge you a one time fee and you have a choice to pay by day or by month that is only if you come in and use their facility.

I just don't like LA Fitness' business model on that membership thing. I don't know, I feel like they're cheating.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Delta Airline's Black Hole System

This experience I'm going to explain was about a year or two years ago when I flew to Salt Lake City, UT for our Church General Conference. I bought my ticket from Delta and was ready to fly few days before the event. Of course, GA 400 and I-85 South are so unpredictable sometimes even on weekends in terms of the traffic volume. I got in at the airport and made it thru the security check and I only had 5 minutes left before my plane leaves. I rushed to the gate thinking I will be able to make it because I had 2 minutes left before the plane leaves. But the gate was closed and nobody there was able to help me out..actually there were 5 of us who got into the same situation.

So, I went to one of the Delta help desk and ask how can I get into a plane as early as I can. They pointed me to one corner that has several telephone booths and call a specific number to talk to one of their representatives that can reschedule my flight. The earliest available flight was 2 hours after I talked to with the representative and warned me to call her 45 minutes before the flight to confirm I have a seat for that schedule. So I did and was confirmed and told to go to this terminal where I can get my boarding pass. To my surprise, I have to pay $50 because I missed my flight and fees apply for the flight change. I...was...not...happy! But I didn't have a choice but to pay it and get over it.

I was on board for my rescheduled flight and arrived in Salt Lake City smoothly. I stayed their for 5 days. It was time to leave and pack up my stuff. I got in at the airport "on time" because traffic was good plus I did my usual "arrive at the airport 2 hours before the flight". I was infront of this lady checking me in and she was not able to locate my information on their database! It appeared I have no ticket going back but I had a round trip ticket paid! She asked my flight from Atlanta 5 days ago how it went and I told her my story and frustration. Finally she figured out that "Delta Airlines" automatically deletes your travel information if you missed your first flight and I was not told about it. The Delta employee who took care of my new boarding pass for Salt Lake Flight never told me this! So the end result, was that I have to stay at the airport for 6 hours because that's the only flight available heading to Atlanta and I'm so glad she did her best to put me as the #1 in the waiting list because the plane that arrived 6 hours later only had 1 seat available! 

So both flights were terrible! I hated the fact that Delta never tried to maintain my return flight information or at least re-process it so I will have a smoot entry at the checkin and flight back.

Bottomline is never ever be late with your flight(s) if possible so that wont' happen to you. I never got any perks or compensation to make me happy about the mishap. Delta will automatically delete your return flight from their system and will make it appear you never bought a return flight ticket from them even if you have.